What is better than playing Fifa 18 with your best friends? Well, playing Fifa 18 with your friends on a 2.5 meter wide x 1.5 meters high screen in 4K! BenQ teases the new TK800 projector with 4K HDR image quality and 3D functionality. Projector image quality has come a long way the last couple of years, but still their image quality and sharpness falls a decent step behind that of a true 4K HDR LED tv.

Despite being 4K branded, the BenQ TK800 is in fact an 1080P projector able to put out 3.000 Lumen of light. This makes it possible to project a good image in a living room environment without dimming the lights.

The TK800 uses XPR pixel switching to upscale a 1080P image to 4K 8.3 Million pixels. According to BENQ the end result surpasses a traditional Full HD image. With an additional Qcast mirror the TK800 can be paired with your favorite laptop of smartphone, to mirror images and videos, without the need to install additional software. The MSRP of the TK800 is € 1500,00 and should hit te store somewhere in April this year.

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