This year AMD made a big impact on the desktop and (server) market outclassing Intel on almost al fronts with it’s Ryzen 3000 cpu’s based on TSMC’s 7nm architecture. Intel seemed not impressed at first, but recently we learned their upcoming Cascade Lake-X cpu’s will cost 50% of previous generation Skylake-X cpu’s. So the trend of more cores at lower cost is followed by Intel because they must do something about their low desktop sales numbers.

AMD 2017-2020 Roadmap, Source: Informaticocero

According to Lisa Su (AMD’s CEO) Ryzen 4000 Vermeer is definitely planned and confirmed to be released next year, talking about a fast follow-up to Ryzen 3000. In the beginning of 2020 the laptop chips will first be released based on current Zen2 7nm architecture, followed later that year with Zen3 desktop cpu’s on a new 7nm+ architecture. We will probably see (not confirmed) a Ryzen 5 4600x ,a Ryzen 7 4700x and Ryzen 9 4900X with codename Vermeer. Vermeer will in fact be a revised AMD Zen2 7nm architecture with improvements to the infinity fabric speed, cache latencies contributing to an overall cpu performance increase. If TSMC will use an EUV process in manufacturing is not clear yet.

In 2020 we can also welcome new APU’s called the Renoir family having Ryzen 3000 desktop 7nm internals and offcourse a Vega iGPU. All these cpu’s will fit on the AM4 socket. If rumors are true AMD can combine the release of a new socket in 2021 – 2022 possibly pushing DDR5 support.


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