Today a new videocard has been added to the techpowerup database, being identified as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1180. If this is true, the launch of the new generation NVIDIA Turing or Volta which is how the TP database recognises the card, is closer than we might think. The next big event where Nvidia can present it’s new GPU powerhouse is Computex which starts the 5th of June.

If this specific card is indeed the new GTX 1180 with GV104 core (beware it  is still a leak) we can expect a lot performance. Featuring a whopping 16GB GDDR6 via a 256-bit memory bus, 3584 Cuda Cores (same CC as current Pascal Titan XP and 1080 Ti) 1405/1582 Mhz Base/Boost clocks at a 200W TDP. Given the 12GHZ GDDR6 memory via a 256-bit bus the memory bandwith comes in at 384 GB/s. Ofcourse these figures can change once the card retails.


1 reactie

When will the Nvidia GTX 1180 come out? July 2018? | TECHJUNKIES · 17 mei 2018 op 09:45

[…] But maybe this is just silence before the storm, because yesterday Tomshardware brought the news that they acquired an anonymous tip from a source within the industry, stating NVidia would be ready to launch the NVidia Geforce GTX 1180 in July this year. Despite being again rumors, but keep in mind the following. Ready to launch does not mean there are going to launch in July. Before a public launch all boxes have to be checked regarding box design approvals, partner confirmations, stocking distribution channels, informing media partners and review sampling. If you would like to know more about the NVidia GTX 1180 or GTX 2080 as naming is not yet confirmed officially follow this link to our short article about the possible specifications of the new Nvidia Turing GTX 1180 card. […]

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