Der Bauer well known from it’s delidding video’s and a partner of, proudly announces the new Lian Li PC-011 Dynamic. This case is going to cost € 129,00 and available through newegg for US customers and for Europe. The Lian Li PC-011 features a tempered glass front and side panel and a two chamber design.

There is place for E-ATX, ATX and smaller form factors, support for three 360mm radiators, 420mm long GPU’s and two PSU’s. Take a look at the video of Der Bauer and judge for yourself if this case is worth the money.


3 reacties

AMD promises higher Ryzen 3000 speeds with AGESA 1003ABBA update | TECHJUNKIES · 11 september 2019 op 14:11

[…] boost speeds. Der8auer well known for his overclocking endeavors, and designer of the Lian Li PCO11 Dynamic did a survey and started this whole discussion. It is nice to see that AMD hears its […]

Antec releases P120 Crystal case | TECHJUNKIES · 11 november 2019 op 15:55

[…] past they made some quality cases. Just recently they may have created a good alternative to the Lian-Li PC-O11 because boy does it look […]

InWin introduces 303EK Case | TECHJUNKIES · 2 december 2019 op 11:41

[…] or the front of a few popular pc cases like a lot of manufacturers designed one for the popular Lian Li PC-O11. EKWB gives the InWin 303EK case an MSRP of € 339,90 and can be bought via EKWB’s site and […]

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